Professors Johns, Larson in the News

Professors of Law Margaret Johns and Carlton Larson were quoted in the Daily Democrat on the case of a Sacramento substitute teacher who filed a federal complaint against the Woodland Joint Unified School District for allegedly violating his civil rights without due process after certain schools within the district placed him on a secret "do not call" list which prevented him from obtaining employment. The teacher alleges that he was subjected to cruel and unusual punishment.

Cruel and unusual punishment, that's an Eighth Amendment claim which is usually confined to prison mistreatment, prison conditions, capital punishment, etc.," said Johns, who is a legal specialist in civil litigation, torts, and civil rights.

arson, who's research interests focus on constitutional law and legal history, commented that in these cases, "you throw in as many claims you can possible think of and it looks like that's what he has done here."

Daily Democrat/August 31, 2007

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