The Labor and Community Center of the Greater Capital Region, based at the UC Davis School of Law, represents the growing upsurge of labor organizing across the region, across the state and nationally. We are committed to policy-relevant research, education and public programming that serves the labor movement and social justice struggles more broadly not only in the Greater Sacramento region, but also in rural Northern California and parts of the San Joaquin Valley. Given our proximity to the state capital, we have a role and responsibility to address issues of state-wide concern. Our work is especially centered on the most marginalized and vulnerable like farmworkers and domestic workers who fall outside of labor law protections; immigrant workers who are made to feel like they have no labor rights due to their legal status; and guest and gig workers who are proliferating as employers find more and more ways to extract profits from their employees. We are committed to working collaboratively with a diverse range of stakeholders representing trade unions, workers’ organizations and other groups addressing issues that working people face not just to advance scholarly debates about workers, but, just as importantly, to advance toward the goal of a worker-centered economy and research for the public good.