Professor Ventry, IRS Officials Appear on Panel at ABA Meeting

Professor Dennis J. Ventry, Jr. was part of the panel “Professional Responsibilities and the IRS Whistleblower Program: The Black, White and Grey,” on May 3 at the 2024 American Bar Association May Tax Meeting in Washington, D.C.

IRS Office of Professional Responsibility Director Sharyn Fisk and Whistleblower Office Director John Hinman joined Ventry on the panel.

Professor Ventry is an expert in tax policy and legal ethics. His research interests include tax expenditure analysis, family taxation, professional responsibility and standards of care, tax filing and administration, tax compliance, public finance, and tax and legal history. He is the former chairman of the IRS Advisory Council, and co-author on the casebook, Federal Income Taxation with Martin McMahon Jr., Daniel L. Simmons, and Bradley T. Borden.

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