Professor Hillman Comments for ABA Journal on Changing Nature of Legal Partnerships

Professor Robert Hillman commented for ABA Journal on the changing nature of legal partnerships. Once viewed by most attorneys as a lifetime commitment, equity partnerships have come to be seen as more transitory as lateral hiring becomes more common and economic factors have caused firms to become less stable.  Professor Hillman comments on several related issues, including the ways in which attitudes among attorneys have changed in the wake of the collapse of firms such as Finley Kumble.

"Finley really changed the mold," Hillman said. "Lateral mobility continued to increase over the next 10 to 15 years. Nowadays it's an accepted part of the profession."

Robert Hillman is a Professor of Law and holds the Fair Business Practices and Investor Advocacy Chair at UC Davis School of Law.  He is a scholar in the fields of international transactions, securities regulation, and corporate and partnership law.

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