
First generation students face unique challenges as they seek to adjust to the law school environment and pursue their dreams of legal education.  Balancing school work and family life, handling financial pressures, and dealing with unfamiliar expectations can all be more difficult for first generation students.  Many first generation students have difficulty assimilating and feel isolated not only from other students but also from their families and home communities. Unable to draw upon the experiences and advices of family members, many feel unprepared for the rigorous academic work and personal changes that come with enrollment at a top law school.

Mentorship relationships can address these issues by providing first generation and economically disadvantaged students access to King Hall faculty or staff members who have faced many of the same challenges. Many, including Dean Kevin R. Johnson and Senior Associate Dean Afra Afsharipour, were first-generation college students themselves.  In addition to giving practical advice to the new students about how to best manage their time, study, and utilize college resources, staff and faculty  mentors offer personal guidance, insight, and fellowship that help students feel at home, make choices that are right for them, and reach their full potential as students and legal professionals.

Staff and Faculty Mentors

Afra Afsharipour

Raquel Aldana

Kristin Brandt

Alan Brownstein

Natalie Butcher

Craig Compton

Bill Dodge

Chris Elmendorf

Alexis Elston

Stacy-Ann Elvy

Mary Louise Frampton

Rick Frank

Chris Ide-Don

Ed Imwinkelried

Judy Janes

Kevin Johnson

Thomas Joo

Lisa Klotz

Al Lin

Kristen Mercado

Robert Miller

Lisa Pruitt

Shayak Sarkar

Joe Schneider

Darien Shanske

Clay Tanaka

Aaron Tang