Admissions Recruitment Events

Recruiting events hosted in collaboration with the Admissions Department.

CalLaw Pathways Program

This special event is designed for students in community college who are interested in going to law school one day! During this event, you will get the opportunity to hear from admissions deans, law school reps, undergraduate admissions reps, McGeorge Law alums, and UC Davis Law alums.

UCLA Pre-Law Forum

You are cordially invited to the UCLA Pre-Law Society’s 28th Annual Law Forum! Join us in the Ackerman Grand Ballroom on Wednesday, October 23, 2023 from 6:00 to 8:00pm. The event is free and open to the public.

University of Maryland Law Fair

This event provides a unique opportunity for students and alumni considering law school to meet face to face with law school admissions representatives from across the country. Over 100 law schools typically attend this event. Suggested attire for this event is business casual.