White Collar Investigations and Prosecutions

Member for

2 years 11 months

This course is for students with knowledge of basic criminal procedure, and are interested in further developing their legal skills while focusing on issues related to white-collar crime. The course will involve a real-world case involving bribery and other financially motivated crimes.  At the initiation of the case, the students will learn how to establish probable cause through cooperative witnesses to utilize the most universal tool in all criminal investigations: the search warrant. Actual search warrants will be analyzed by the class with an eye toward where to look next, including information from internet service providers, and ultimately searches of the suspect's residence and workplace. The students will argue a motion attacking a search warrant or defending it. The course will then examine the utilization of informants, and the limitations and problems that are encountered with their use.  The course will next review suspect proffers and immunity agreements and the problems that arise therefrom.  Following that, the course will examine the use of a grand jury, and examine the two methods to bring charges: an indictment or a complaint.  Finally, the class will review the laws surrounding arrests of suspects, and bail hearings.

Prerequisite: Recommended: Law 227A Criminal Procedure
Final Assessment: Other
Grading Mode:  Letter Grading
Graduation Requirements: Counts towards Professional Skills Requirement.

Advanced Writing
Professional Skills
Course Number



Unit 16