Law and Society Association's 2024 Annual Meeting in Denver

Scholars posing for a photo at the Law and Society Association's annual meeting in Denver.
With members of our roundtable discussion on Critical Citizenship Studies.

Last weekend, UC Davis School of Law made quite a splash at the Law and Society Association's annual conference in Denver, Colorado. UC Davis Law Professors Raquel Aldana, Jack Chin, Tom Joo, and Courtney Joslin were among some of the guests. I was on a panel on Critical Citizenship Studies with Professors Raquel Aldana and Rose Cuison-Villazor. Professor Cuison-Villazor, who used to teach at UC Davis Law, currently teaches at Rutgers Law School, where she is also a Chancellor's Social Justice Scholar. It was a great event with hundreds of participants. 

I visited Maura Roessner of the University of California Press (UC Press) at the exhibitors' area of the conference. She is a supporter of the new Critical Race Theory Series that Professor Aldana and I are co-editing for UC Press. 

It was an energizing weekend in the Mile High City.