Feminist Legal Theory

Discussion - 2 hours. This course provides an overview of gender justice issues.  Readings cover women's legal history and feminist legal theory, including liberal, radical, cultural, and anti-essentialist feminism, as well as masculinities theory and studies.  After spending the first six weeks of the course discussing various strands of theory, students will consider the relationship between theory and practice by (1) looking at a number of issues that arise at junctures where women's lives encounter law (e.g., pornography, reproductive freedom, sexual harassment, rape, employment, work-life balance) and (2) considering other specific manifestations of gender and gender stereotypes in law.  Students determine the specific intersections/topics they wish to cover for these latter weeks of the course, and each student is required to assign course readings and lead class discussion (solo or as part of a 2-person team) on one of the selected topics.  Students must also participate regularly in the course blog, Feminist Legal Theory.

Graduation Requirements: May meet Advanced Writing Requirement with the instructor's permission.
Classroom Policies:
  • This course has an attendance policy.
  • This course has a no-laptop policy.
Final Assessment: None.
Class limit: 12 students.
Advanced Writing
Professional Skills
Course Number



Unit 16